This is how we do it…

June 7, 2018

A good handful of PerformanceGuard customers are today visiting CapaSystems Headquarter in Taastrup. They have accepted the invitation to help prioritize some of the best topics prior to the next release of PerformanceGuard 7.5.

The purpose of this event is to engage our customers and, of course, hit “spot on” when we develop our monitoring solution PerformanceGuard. By confronting our customers so directly, we try to understand which features can help the optimization of the IT departments.

At this Feature Morning Meeting, Product Manager Steen will reveal the plans for the upcoming release and present a number of possible topics that the participants helps to prioritize in a mutual dialogue.

This is how we do it 😉

Rikke Borup

Rikke Borup

Chief Marketing Officer