State-of-the-art Base Agent

March 31, 2020

Base Agent: CapaInstaller 5.8 is released today

Things are now more

  • secure
  • flexible
  • smooth

and most important of all — your need for network bandwidth from clients to front-end servers is radically reduced.
You know what we are talking about, as it is some quite specific day-to-day challenges IT departments are facing that we solve with today’s release of CapaInstaller 5.8. We have replaced the entire communication layer in CapaInstaller, thus taking security & data sharing to a new level.

The new release includes:

  • Base Agent as a distribution server: Agents on all computers ensure faster, automatic, and secure roll-out regardless of the number of computers and locations
  • OSD for USB sticks: A USB boot is now offered for installation in IT environments where a deployment server is not available
  • MDM: The processing of data from Mobile Devices has been improved so that the database load is 30% lower than before
  • etc.

Upgrade your existing installation to get the most out of CapaInstaller

Technical Blog Post:

Read the new CapaSystems Technical Blog post – Senior Software Architect Torben Busk Sørensen goes into depth with the new state-of-the-art Base Agent as a distribution server

Rikke Borup
Rikke Borup

Chief Marketing Officer