Release CapaInstaller 5.7

August 21, 2019

Today the development team behind CapaInstaller has said “go” for the release of CapaInstaller 5.7. Thus, CapaInstaller with CapaPacks directly integrated into the console is a reality – a great wish from our customers, as it facilitates the work in the IT department a lot.

“Getting CapaPacks integrated into the console has been on the drawing board for a while, and feedback from our user group has been unequivocal. The fact that you do not need to change system, but can access the software packages directly in CapaInstaller will save time and make software distribution, security and reporting much easier, ”says Development Manager Martin Søndergaard, CapaSystems.

The new release also includes:

  • User & Device Certificate (SCEP) for both Android and IOS: Certificate protection for your IT environment – a requirement for handling sensitive personal data
  • Container/work profile support for Android: The ability to protect your company’s mobile device data
  • Chromebook inventory: Overview of Chromebook devices and their network location with the option of pre-deployment grouping
  • Etc.

Read more about CapaInstaller and CapaPacks

Rikke Borup
Rikke Borup

Chief Marketing Officer