CapaInstaller Case Study

The Municipality of Sorø

Since 2009 the Municipality of Sorø has used CapaInstaller – but they needed a better overview of their mobile devices as well, so in 2016 they decided to replace AirWatch with CapaInstaller MDM


Company Name: The Municipality og Sorø
Customer since: 2009

In 2015/16, the Municipality of Sorø participated in a large IT user survey via IT Optima, where in the benchmark against other municipalities they were measured to be the best – both in the user survey but also purely IT operational.

Digital Cooperation: A Joint Effort

The IT Department at the Sorø Municipality uses CapaInstaller as its main tool for rolling out software updates to the roughly 1,100 computers of its users.

The municipality has been a client of CapaSystems since 2009, and, in the words of the Sorø Municipality’s own Group Manager for Development and IT, Christian Christensen, it has contributed to CapaInstaller’s development:

We have been running CapaInstaller for such a long time that we can practically say we have developed together. Some of my folks have worked closely with some of CapaSystems’ technicians, which basically turns the development of the product into a joint effort. We have been in a close dialogue, the end result of which is a product that is an excellent match for our needs.”

Sorø Municipality

A client and supplier relationship that makes sense

Taking care of your clients and making sure they have the optimal solution and the right tools for doing their jobs as seamlessly as possible are some of the things Christian Christensen attaches importance to.

“I think that the client-supplier relationship is really important. CapaSystems is a good example of this, as it is important that we have a good dialogue and understand each other’s problems. This is simply how you can get more out of a partnership,” says Christian Christensen and continues:

“However, we have also insisted that we would like to use Capa, because we know their product really well. This also means that we can give them valuable input when we find something that does not work. Nevertheless, we have also found out that they would go a rather long way to make our environment work because they know that we depend on it.”

Mobile Device Management that simply works

I 2016, the Sorø Municipality decided to use CapaInstaller MDM.

The Mobile Device Management solution has since contributed to lots of saved man hours for the IT Department and to the systematisation of a number of their tasks.

“We have some 1,700 mobile devices out in the field, and we have designated certain models, running both Android and iOS, as available to our employees to choose among in the service catalogue. When an employee needs a new mobile phone, we can assign it a standard profile that is rolled out automatically. As a result, the mobile connects to the Internet and is assigned the right certificates so to be able to securely access our system,” says Christian Christensen.

Therefore, the Mobile Device Management solution has made it possible for the Department to manage the roughly 1,700 mobile devices in the organisation without the need for harnessing more resources.

“We know that we can manage all mobile devices, and we have not had more resources allocated. Nevertheless, we have had more laptops and more delivery cases than before, which means that if we had not had any software to help us, we would have been forced to either hire more employees or significantly cut down on our service. This is the situation we are up against,” says Christian Christensen.

We have been running CapaInstaller for such a long time that we can practically say we have developed together. Some of my folks have worked closely with some of CapaSystems’ technicians, which basically turns the development of the product into a joint effort. We have been in a close dialogue, the end result of which is a product that is an excellent match for our needs.”

Christian Christensen

Group Manager for Development and IT, The Municipality of Sorø

Seamless Win 10 upgrade despite corona

The use of CapaInstaller has not only made it possible for the Sorø Municipality’s IT Department to raise its efficiency but has also given it access to vast amounts of data on the use of its systems by the users.

This user data became the cornerstone of the IT Department’s master plan for the roll-out of the new Windows 10 update on all 1,100 municipal computers in the course of 2020. But after the employees were sent on furlough in March 2020, the IT Department had to think out of the box and realise the upgrade in spite of the challenges posed by the corona pandemic.

As a result, the IT Department delved further down into CapaInstaller and found a solution that could ensure a seamless update from home for the majority of the roughly 1,100 municipal computers. If you had asked Christian Christensen about this last year, he would not have considered it possible.

“You see, we ran a Windows 10 Upgrade project throughout the entire period of the furlough, and in the beginning, we were asking people to come to the town hall and leave their PC with us. However, as time went by, we ran some experiments and found out that CapaInstaller actually gave us full control over the Windows upgrade. We found out when the update failed and when it did not, which helped us prepare the computers accordingly,” says Christian Christensen and concludes:

“If you had asked me a year ago, I would have said that this would never work out, yet we have managed to pull it off. We have actually carried out a complete Windows 10 roll-out on 1,100 computers, the vast majority of which from home, and we could not have done it so seamlessly without a product like CapaInstaller.”

Read more about CapaInstaller

It should be effective

As the Operations Support Wing was looking for a tool to automate parts of their operations, it was important that it became a tool that could reduce the time otherwise spent on transportation from one location to another.

Number of inhabitants: 29.993 (2021)

In 2015-2016, Sorø Municipality took part in a large IT user survey carried out by IT Optima. Benchmarked against other municipalities, Sorø was judged to be the best, both in the user survey and in terms of IT operation.

Area: 308,5 square kilometres

Since July 2009, Sorø Municipality has been using CapaInstaller to manage its stationary units. In spring 2016, Sorø Municipality decided to replace AirWatch with CapaInstaller MDM and now manages all devices with the help of CapaInstaller.

Why CapaInstaller is the right solution to choose:


You are in complete control of computers and mobile devices


You achieve ROI faster due to lower total costs for maintenance and administration


You can centralize and standardize your IT services


You can reduce time in deployment, distribution and maintenance

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Rikke Borup

Rikke Borup

Chief Marketing Officer