CapaInstaller Case Study

Fredericia Municipality: “CapaSystems are attentive and listen to our needs and ideas”

Considering that the Municipality has a small IT and Support Department that numbers less than 30 people, this requires a Device Management system that works, is easy to understand and can be used across various devices. CapaInstaller meets all these demands which is why the IT department at Fredericia Municipality uses CapaInstaller on all their digital devices. 


Kunde: Fredericia Municipality
Kunde siden: 2011

The Fredericia Municipality’s IT Department is responsible for the maintenance of over 2,000 administrative computers and 1,500 mobile devices.

However, even if the system is important, Hans Ladegaard Bennedsen considers the collaboration with the provider to be more important.

Hans is IT Support Technician at the Fredericia Municipality.

We have talked to Hans to find out why it is important to have secure collaboration with a Danish IT company.

“CapaSystems brings me closer to the consultant”

Being a CapaSystems’ client brings me closer to the consultant. They are not the slick corporate types you wouldn’t dare say anything to, says Hans.

He emphasises the quick and personal service that is an important element in the collaboration and explains that he can pick up the phone and call or send an email to his contact person at CapaSystems at any time.

– It feels great to know that I always have them at my back if there is something acting up.

The Fredericia Municipality’s IT Department resorts to CapaSystems’ consultants whenever they need to have a new service implemented or if they require a sounding board. The Municipality also uses them if they want to implement a new and improved solution at their IT Department.

– Their support is always just an email away, and they are always quick to respond. And if the problem cannot be resolved at once, one of the developers always gives it a priority. The collaboration works really well for us, explains Hans.

fredericia kommune

Their support is always just an email away, and they are always quick to respond. And if the problem cannot be resolved at once, one of the developers always gives it a priority. The collaboration works really well for us

Hans Ladegaard Bennedsen

IT Support Technician, Fredericia Municipality

Fredericia Municipality

It is you who influence the development of your IT system yourself

CapaSystems are attentive to the Fredericia Municipality’s specific IT needs. And this is important, as Hans emphasizes in our conversation. The Municipality’s experience is that new updates are implemented quickly and in a way that makes sense to them:

– CapaSystems are attentive to our needs and new ideas. We wouldn’t have particularly much say-so if we worked with any of the major IT providers on the market. We wouldn’t have any influence over the direction of the system’s development.

And even if Hans does not think that the Fredericia Municipality is CapaSystems’ largest client, he does not notice it:

– What is important is that we are treated as an important customer even if we are arguably not their largest client. This is one of the things that CapaSystems are good at — making us feel important and heard. And this is not just some back-scratching, it is something we experience.

The user-friendly interface provides a good overview

When you have to keep track of just under 4,000 different devices, you need to be able to get an overview quickly. This overview, in Hans’ opinion, is provided by CapaInstaller:

– CapaInstaller, which we use, displays all of our PCs and allows us to quickly look them up via the PC name. The big picture is provided by CapaInstaller, where we can see which software packages are available. It is from here that we can install, uninstall or update them on each individual computer via the ‘installer.’ This is how things work from console to client.

The Fredericia Municipality has been CapaSystems’ client since 2011. The longevity of the collaboration illustrates how happy they have been with it:

– We have kept it up for so many years, and this says something about how pleased we are with CapaSystems, says Hans and explains that the Municipality has already eyed with great interest CapaSystems’ new cloud solution, CapaOne.

– CapaOne presents everything in graphical form. If you want to present something to your bosses and show that ‘these are the figures,’ the effect is absolutely smashing, explains Hans and continues:

– This is how CapaSystems hits both target groups. The nerds, who want to pore over the entire thing in the report module, and the others, who just want to take a quick look at how a particular computer is doing.

In Hans’ opinion, the smart thing about the CapaOne cloud solution — and CapaSystems in general — is their user-friendly interface. When you are a public entity such as the Fredericia Municipality, it is important to have a system that can be used by many users, explains Hans.

– It won’t do us any good if only a couple of guys in our support can figure out how to use it. So it is great at giving us the big picture. It is transparent and immensely user-friendly.

We are glad that we can help the Fredericia Municipality keep track of all of its devices across the Municipality at all times, and we look forward to more years of back-and-forth and collaboration in the coming years.

Read more about CapaInstaller

Why CapaInstaller is the right solution to choose:


You are in complete control of computers and mobile devices


You achieve ROI faster due to lower total costs for maintenance and administration


You can centralize and standardize your IT services


You can reduce time in deployment, distribution and maintenance

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Rikke Borup

Rikke Borup

Chief Marketing Officer