Performance Case Study

Corporate Service Center of Copenhagen City

Corporate Service Center of Copenhagen City uses PerformanceGuard to ensure that the citizens of the Danish capital get the best possible IT experience


Company Name: Corporate Service Center of Copenhagen Cty
Customer since: 2011

Since 2007 the Coporate Service Center of Copenhagen City has provided solutions in finance, statistics and human resources management to the municipality’s seven administrations.

A step ahead of the competitors

Copenhagen City Council considers its own Corporate Service Center an external service provider. Consequently, the Corporate Service Center competes against other providers for delivering IT services to the council’s many employees. However, where other providers merely deliver declarations of intent, PerformanceGuard allows the Corporate Service Center to document its service levels based on facts. That is a very powerful competitive parameter.

The Corporate Service Center is the central point in the vast machinery that delivers council services to the citizens of the Danish capital. This is the story about how the Corporate Service Center keeps its IT services smoothly running while maintaining a constant focus on delivering the best possible user experience. 

Copenhagen is everything that it used to be: a pleasant place with a homely and intimate feel to it. Over time, however, the city has also turned into a busy and dynamic international metropolis with more than half a million citizens,

thousands of large and small businesses as well as many international organizations that all demand efficiency and high-quality services when dealing with the council.

“Very soon PerformanceGuard provided enough value for us to invest in it”

Corporate Service Center of Copenhagen

Don’t comprimise

The Corporate Service Center was established in 2007 as a provider of managed services. One of the goals set by the councilors was that the Corporate Service Center should cut the cost of IT and administration by a minimum of 5% per year. Being able to meet this goal without compromising quality required a tool that was able to accurately measure how end users experienced IT service deliveries.

The council merged all of its IT departments, and built up a new structure that meant that the Corporate Service Center would be in direct competition with other providers when it came to delivering IT services. So in effect The Corporate Service Center is an external service provider, and consequently they need to be able to document the performance levels that they deliver.

End-user focus

The solution for the Corporate Service Center was to acquire PerformanceGuard from CapaSystems for performance monitoring, management reporting and for documenting end users’ quality of experience. The
procedure is to collect information about response times from each of the council’s approx. 17.000 computers and then compare response times with events registered by Service Desk or IT Operations. In practice,
members of the technical team meet every fortnight to go through the state of affairs as seen from the end users’ perspective – based on the measurements delivered by PerformanceGuard.

The strong focus on end users’ quality of experience is highlighted by the fact that the Corporate Service Center competes on equal terms with other providers. There are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for everything from system response times and availability to computer startup times – everything that has an impact on end users’ ability to work efficiently.

One step ahead

Every month the Corporate Service Center’s top managers receive a PerformanceGuard report of the status of each IT-related KPI. If there are any deviations, the monthly report also provides full descriptions of their causes.

It is The Corporate Service Centers standard practice to ask the question “What does PerformanceGuard say?” whenever a problem occurs. If they are able to spot a trend in the information they get from PerformanceGuard before a problem occurs, they may also be able to prevent the problem from ever occurring again. The goal is to use data proactively by monitoring selected thresholds so that they get alerted before any problems arise.

Since the Corporate Service Center began using PerformanceGuard in February 2011, more and more options for documenting service deliveries have become available. According to Søren Morthorst, PerformanceGuard is the tool that will take the Corporate Service Center’s IT services one step ahead:

With PerformanceGuard fully implemented, it is a huge competitive parameter. As opposed to other providers The Corporate Service Center is actually able to provide the customer, the council, with accurate figures and measurements of end users’ quality of experience rather than merely declarations of intent.

This gives value:

Be aware of end-user satisfaction

Document IT performance

Improve the quality of services

Prove taht the IT department delivers the expected service

Be proactive

Have a qualified basis for decision

PerformanceGuard allows you to:


analyze performance on the end user's computer - CPU and memory usage, disk I/O, boot and login times


measure response times between the computer and the applications used by the user


get an overview of the Citrix performance across the server farm


continuously collect Windows Performance Counters


make 24/7 monitoring of specific applications with automated user simulation


gather everything on dashboards in real time

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